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My weekend

2014-11-01 16:36 文/靳新宇 科技信息报今日文教周刊2014年10月24日B6版
         It was sunny last Saturday. I went to the village with my good friend Susan. We went to a small farm in the morning. The farmers were feeding cows and chickens. We helped them do farm work. It’s so tired but I was happy.
         We had fresh fish and vegetables for lunch. It was very delicious. At three o’clock, we climbed the mountain. We saw lots of beautiful flowers along the way. The sight looked really beautiful from the top of the mountain. We enjoyed ourselves a lot.
         What a comfortable place it is! I hope I can go there again.
                                              (作者:新疆库尔勒市实验中学   指导老师:彭琳)
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